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Painting & Assembly
Finishing the Nose Cone

With the fiberglass phase of the nosecone complete, we removed the polystyrene frame that we had built it on. We were able to measure the inside and confirm that our front brackets would be able to fit inside the, now hollow, shell and we got to work welding these brackets on. 

The car’s frame was spray painted black and its components assembled. The team struggled assembling the suspension, as we had to fight the force of the spring to put it together. Though with good time and effort, we were able to successfully put it together.


During this time the nose cone was also painted. Unfortunately the paint job wasn't critiqued before moving onto the assembly and riveting ending up in a paint job that was under par. On the bright side, the plastic will conceal any of the old green paint.

Lastly, we began designing the windshield bracket and cut out the clear plastic pieces to go around the roll cage.


The windshield, we had decided, would sit loose on one hinge to the right of the car and would simply be pulled over the shape of the car and velcroed to the left side with a kind of bolt lock.

For the rest of month, we designed and planned our plastic shell. We had to cut out each piece very precisely in order for them to fit snuggly next to each other.


After carefully measurement and planning, we concluded that we didn’t have enough plastic to cover the entire car and would have to buy more. Though we covered the left and right bottom of the car, we would have to wait until after Christmas break to do the rest. 

Windshield Bracket

December 2013

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